Do you have high blood pressure? Are you concerned about the health effects that can result from prehypertension and high blood pressure? In this section, you will find information on the effects of high blood pressure on your health.

You’ll also find detailed information on risk factors for high blood pressure, some of the most common blood pressure monitors, medications used to lower your blood pressure and more.

Blood Pressure Guide

Our blood pressure guide covers the basics of understanding high blood pressure and its effects. Learn about how high blood pressure affects your health and why you should seek treatment if your blood pressure is above the normal level.

In addition to information on the health effects of high blood pressure, our blood pressure guide explains the four categories of blood pressure, how blood pressure levels are measured and what systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels are.

How to Lower High Blood Pressure

Do you suffer from high blood pressure? Our how to lower high blood pressure page includes detailed information on dietary and lifestyle changes that you can make to bring your blood pressure down to a healthier level.

High Blood Pressure Medications 

In addition to lifestyle and diet changes, medication is often used to treat high blood pressure. Our high blood pressure medications page lists some of the most common high blood pressure medications and explains their mechanism of action.

Blood Pressure Monitors List

Do you have high blood pressure? Monitoring your blood pressure from home lets you track changes in your blood pressure levels caused by your lifestyle changes or medication. Our blood pressure monitors list contains common home monitors.

Why Blood Pressure Matters

Many people treat high blood pressure lightly, citing the almost one billion people that are affected by it worldwide as justification. High blood pressure is a serious health condition that can have incredibly significant negative health effects.

Our why blood pressure matters page explains why you should take your high blood pressure seriously and respond with changes to your lifestyle, diet and habits. It also explains how severe the worldwide problem of high blood pressure really is.

Age and its Effects on Blood Pressure 

As you get older, your likelihood of developing high blood pressure increases. Our age and its effects on blood pressure page explains how age and other factors, such as ethnicity, can have an impact on your risk of developing high blood pressure.

Health Effects of High Blood Pressure

From heart disease to stroke, the health effects of high blood pressure are serious and numerous. Our health effects of high blood pressure page lists the many health effects of high blood pressure and prehypertension in detail.